What to expect from Cubalytics Training
- Experienced consultants, some of whom are specialised in running courses
- We are an official partner of Microsoft, Cubeware and IBM
- Variety of software and tools can be covered
- No travelling and flexible schedules
- On-site training offered
- Real knowledge-transfers. We'll get you into shape!
- Relaxed and friendly training environment
- Catch-up / On-Demand lessons for extended support after initial training
Standard Course - 2 Days
- Overview of OLAP databases
- Introduction to TM1 components (Perspectives, Architect, …)
- Connectivity to various data-sources
- Creating Dimensions
- Creating Cubes
- Maintenance of Attributes
- Turbointegrator Processes
- Rules
- TM1-Web Reporting
Professional Course - 3-4 Days
All content from the Standard Course
- Complex TurboIntegrator processes
- Rules und Feeders
- Security
- IBM CognosConfiguration
- Installation and administration
- Introduction to SQL Server's components
- Main building blocks
- Tables
- Primary Keys
- Foreign Keys
- Data Types
- Views
- T-SQL syntax and commands
- Stored Procedures
- SQL Server-Agent
- Security
- Backups and restoration of databases
- Importing data
CubewareImporter Course - 2-3 Days
- Overview of OLAP databases
- Connectivity to various data-sources
- Creating Dimensions
- Creating Cubes
- Cubeware Mappings
- TCL scripting language
- Rules
- Administering jobs
- Logging
Cubeware Cockpit Standard Course 2- Days
- Creating Repositories
- Connectivity to RDBMS
- Connectivity to OLAP databases
- Basic Report-components
- Tables
- Graphics Filter
- Granting Permissions
- Navigating Reports
Cubeware Cockpit Professional Course - 3 Days
All content from the Standard Course
- Cascading Filters
- Multi-Dimensional Expressions (MDX)
- Passing Parameters
- Analytical Visualisation
- Static
- Dynamic
- Permissions and Roles
- Distribution of Reports